Conservation, Access and Recreation Report

This report summarises some of the progress we have made towards meeting our long-term conservation, access and recreation goals.

A summary of the report

Our conservation, access and recreation (CAR) work enables us to support wildlife, protect archaeological remains and preserve geological features on our land.

It also provides facilities for the public to access our sites, which allows them to enjoy the outdoors and take part in recreational activities.

This report covers what we’re doing to create a landholding where biodiversity can thrive and where visitors have opportunities for access and recreation in the natural environment.

What does the report cover?

This report covers how we’re:

  • improving the conservation condition of Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs), while also restoring and creating priority habitats across our land
  • using catchment management to find alternatives to traditional ‘hard engineering’ activities
  • minimising and mitigating the impact of our engineering and operational activities on the environment
  • ensuring our paths, picnic areas and other public spaces are available for people to exercise and connect with nature.

Over 13,000

ancient monuments, listed buildings and regionally important or geological sites in our region

Nearly 63%

of our SSSI landholding is considered to be in ‘favourable’ condition by Natural England


planned actions to make improvements to our SSSI landholding between 2020 and 2025

CAR Report

Enhancing and protecting our land and wildlife

Discover what we’re doing to protect wildlife and archaeology on our land, as well as making biodiversity improvements across the region.