Regional water resources

Discover how we are working with other water companies to develop national water resources infrastructure.

Working with other water companies

Water companies are required to work together to produce regional water resource plans and where possible assess the potential to move surplus supplies of water to areas of deficit.

We are proud to be part of the West Country Water Resources group, along with Bristol Water, South West Water, the Environment Agency and Natural England.

We are working together to produce our first Regional Water Resources Plan. We consulted on a draft emerging plan in February 2022. The next version will be available for consultation in early 2023.

Our current regional water scheme

In addition to producing a regional plan, regulators have asked us to investigate the feasibility of regional schemes over the next five-year period.

There are three schemes in our region, which are following a gated process overseen by RAPID. These three schemes are listed below.

Previous investigations

The South Sources and Transfers investigation and Southern Transfer investigation considered transfers from South West Water’s Roadford reservoir and water recycling to support Southern Water. The Gate 1 Mendip Quarries SRO report has been superseded with the latest Gate 2 document above.