Megan, Water Recycling Technician

What attracted you to Wessex Water and how did you hear about this role?

I came to Wessex Water through the Kickstart scheme which was for young people on Universal Credit who want to get into work. On the scheme, I worked in the arcade café which I didn't enjoy, but then I saw you could work with the Wildlife Trust, and I thought I'd give it a go as I'm more of an outdoorsy person. 

I did that every day 11am to 2pm, but I didn't feel it was getting me in the frame of mind for work. So I spoke to Nancy the careers lead at Wessex Water, and she found a role for me. I turned up at the workshop with long lashes and two-inch acrylic nails, but I couldn't undo the bolts with my nails so they had to go.

Then, I worked for six weeks on the Kickstart scheme and loved it. At the end, I went back to the café until Wessex Water called and asked if I'd like to become an apprentice and that's how it started.

What does your job entail and what do you most enjoy about the role?

I recycle water – dirty water comes in, we recycle it with different treatments and then it goes out clean, so it can be used again. There are lots of areas the water passes through, and plenty of sampling and testing to do to make sure it’s safe. There is lots of machinery to keep working and it’s up to me and my mentor to keep the whole site running.

One minute we might be dealing with a breakdown and taking apart a pump and the next we’ll be getting samples to send to the lab. I’m also doing an apprenticeship so I do work for that too, I’ve just completed my Confined Space training so I should be able to go down into wells soon, and I just passed my JCB training so I can use a forklift and JCB now which I love!

People are shocked when I say one of my favourite parts of the job is the screen room, which is probably the dirtiest, smelliest part! All the water passes through the screens, the dirty stuff gets taken out and goes into the skip and the water goes into the water pumping stations. 

I've always found it interesting. You find stuff and think 'how on earth did that go down the toilet or sink?'. You get to see what actually comes through the system, which fascinates me.

Tell us about your team and what you like most about working with them

There are two of us on this site, which is quite big. It's great working together, not just because we get on really well, but also because it's great not having to rely on other people to come and help. You're never alone so you can get straight on with a task.

Jason is my mentor but he does a lot more than what a mentor need to do. He basically helps me with everything. He's one of the main reasons I come to work.

Where do you see your career progressing in the next five years?

I'd like to complete my apprenticeship and then start to climb the ladder. I would like to have my own area to manage.