Past partners projects

We supported a range of environmental projects between 2010 and 2020 which have helped to enhance biodiversity across the region.

2015 - 2020 projects

From 2015 to 2020 we supported four major projects which aimed to address catchment issues.

These projects were:

Dorset Wild Rivers: This project saw us help to restore and recreate wildlife habitats along Dorset's rivers, while also improving water quality and flood storage.

Wessex Chalk Stream Project: This project helped to improve the iconic River Avon chalk streams in Wiltshire and safeguard their rare biodiversity.

South Wiltshire Farmland Conservation: This project involved working with land managers in Wiltshire and Dorset to create bigger and better habitats on agricultural land, reduce pollution going into rivers and enhance wildlife populations.

North Somerset Levels and Moors Grazing Marsh: This project restored grazing marshes on the North Somerset Levels and Moors to benefit aquatic plants, invertebrates and habitats, while also improving flood alleviation.

We also offered individual small grants of £2,500 to £5,000 for the first time between 2015 and 2020. These grants were designed to fund short-term, smaller-scale projects.

2010 - 2015 projects

From 2010 to 2015 we funded seven major projects which contributed to our overall aim of conserving and enhancing species and habitats.

These projects were:

Dorset Wild Rivers: This project helped to deliver river and wetland habitat restoration in the Dorset Frome Valley, Piddle Valley and Stour Tributaries.

The South Wiltshire Farmland Bird Project: This project aimed to reverse the decline of farmland bird populations across South Wiltshire by working with farmers to tackle diffuse pollution and water quality issues.

Biodiversity action in Somerset: This project benefited Somerset’s priority habitats and species, including traditional orchards, ditches and ponds, water and wetland, woodland, otters, bats, and lapwing and long-eared owls.

Wessex Chalk Stream Project: This project involved river restoration and collaborating with other stakeholders to reconcile the links between the public, water usage and rivers along the Hampshire Avon.

Ecological research and training: The project provided local biodiversity partners across the region with free access to relevant research and training courses.

Floodplain and Catchment Woodland: This project supported different initiatives to improve farm management in the Parrett catchment, which saw rainwater harvesting and land management improvements.

Invertebrates, Springs and Seepages: This region-wide project aimed to make improvements to springs and seepages, which are small habitats that link groundwater, surface water and terrestrial habitats.