
We enhance biodiversity across the area we serve through a range of initiatives.

Biodiversity action plan (BAP)

Our biodiversity action plan (BAP) draws on a long tradition of wildlife conservation work and has continually adapted to meet the many challenges facing the habitats and species within our region.

Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP)

Working to enhance our region’s biodiversity

Our environment is essential to the wellbeing of the communities we all live and work in as well as being a vital component of our business. We are therefore committed to the protection and sensitive management of the biological diversity, wildlife and landscapes of our area.

BAP partners programme

Our BAP partners programme provides funding to projects carried out by wildlife organisations that conserve and enhance biodiversity across our region. The programme has led to some notable conservation successes and has helped to contribute to the goal of conserving and enhancing local wildlife.

Assessing the environmental impact of our work

We investigate any potential impacts on the environment and wildlife before a building project begins. This allows us to evaluate the impact the work could have on wildlife, designating sites of conservation interest, archaeology and watercourses.

Read more on how we assess wildlife projects.

Improving biodiversity at our sites

We own hundreds of sites and landholdings across the region, ranging from small pumping stations to large treatment works and reservoirs, and we recognise it’s our responsibility to conserve and enhance wildlife and heritage on our land.

Find out more about our wildlife and conservation access.

Catchment management

Around 20% of the water we supply to customers comes from surface water reservoirs which are filled by rainfall and run-off from the catchment. Through catchment management, we ensure our supply meets drinking water standards and is free from impurities.

Learn more about how we work in partnership with catchment farmers.

Wild Working Report

21 years of green action

Our Wild Working report details what we’ve achieved so far and gives a glimpse into our wild future.